24 November 2010

Gigapixel Science in the news

We are so excited to share some recent news:

November 5, 2010
Panning for Science

November 12, 2010
National Geographic Daily News
Billion-Pixel Image Tool Probes Science Mysteries Ultra-zoomable GigaPan gives experts "incredible" new perspective

Yesterday, in the November 23 issue of New Scientist, Colin Barras published an article featuring 3 papers and an abstract that were submitted to the gigapixelscience.org open call for participation earlier this year... by Mat Sisk, Matt Bertone & Andy Deans, Susan Lee and Matt Lamanna:

November 23, 2010
New Scientist
Hi-res camerabot explores great and small

this print article is accompanied by a post on the New Scientist Short, Sharp Science blog:

AND also yesterday, Wired magazine featured the winners of the gigapixelscience.org Juried Gallery show as well as one of Janet Steven's timelapse gigapan videos:

November 23, 2010
Wired Science blog
Zoom In on Top 8 Ultrahigh-Resolution Science Panoramas

23 November 2010

Gigapixel Science thank you

We know everyone must have made it back safely to their corner of the Earth, as panoramas are already popping up on the gigapan.org website from a variety of your locales!  We hope – and believe – you each enjoyed the very first Fine International Conference in Gigapixel Imaging for Science as much as we enjoyed organizing it for you, and having the chance to meet many of you in person.

All papers accepted to the conference can be found here: http://gigapixelscience.gigapan.org/

All conference sessions were video-recorded. We plan to make these available on youtube very soon, stay tuned, check http://gigapixelscience.org for updates!

We hope to see you all in 2012!


Mary Jo Daines
Illah Nourbakhsh
Randy Sargent

04 November 2010

Panning for Science in Science Magazine

The GigaPan, CMU Create Lab's Illah Nourbakhsh and Randy Sargent + several Fine Fellows are profiled in Karen A. Frenkel's Science Magazine article "Panning for Science."

Excerpt from the article:
"GigaPans have captured the public's imagination. Five thousand systems have been bought, and today the site hosts 40,000 public panoramas that draw 20 million visitors a year; another 20,000 are in private areas of the site while contributors work on them. Sargent and Nourbakhsh began training scientists to shoot GigaPans in 2008, and some 120 investigators are now using the system in their research. In mid-November, scientists will share findings at the Fine International Conference on Gigapixel Imaging for Science, hosted by CMU and the CREATE lab." Click here to read the rest of this awesome article.
Science 5 November 2010:
Vol. 330. no. 6005, pp. 748 - 749
DOI: 10.1126/science.330.6005.748